the last weeks, Larry Klayman, lead counsel and plaintiff pro se in a class
action styled Klayman v.
PGA Tour et. al 50-2022-CA-006587, 15th Jud. Cir., Palm Beach County,
which alleges an anticompetitive scheme to restrain trade though
monopolization, attempted monopolization, group boycotts and other antitrust
violations to destroy the new LIV Golf Tour and its players to the detriment of
golf fans in Florida, has attempted to serve Tiger Woods with a subpoena for
deposition duces tecum. While two other alleged conspirators in this
anticompetitive scheme, Rory McIlroy and David Love III, have been served, Mr.
Woods, who is one of the alleged principal players enlisted by the PGA Tour to
allegedly harm LIV Golf and its players, has evaded service of process.
is reflected in the below embedded Affidavit of Non-Service on Woods. Also
embedded below are the Affidavits of Service on Rory McIlroy and Davis Love
III. Rory McIlroy's, Tiger Woods's and Davis Love III's depositions were
noticed for January 11, 2023, January 13, 2023 and January 17, 2023,
Larry Klayman had this to say about these important depositions:
Woods, like all parties and deponents in this case, will be treated with respect.
However, as of today, it would appear that Mr. Woods has little respect for our
legal right to depose him. Accepting service for depositions is common practice
and Mr. Woods is no different than any other American and has no reason to keep
denying service. Given his prior experiences with the law, this is unfortunate.
As of today, the process server has attempted five (5) different times and Mr.
Woods has not made himself available to accept service or have someone else
accept service on his behalf. Stay tuned for more updates."
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